The Power of the Morning

Picture of Super Admin
Super Admin

Even 9 months into the Pandemic with new routines in place, we may very well find that our daily rituals continue to be disrupted. With the current surge, we may be cautious about going out, finding time to shop when stores are less crowded, and continuing Zoom calls with colleagues,

Research has shown that creating a consistent morning routine creates a reliable dose of energy and focus. In a recently published article, Shawn McClean from the University of Wyoming reported that people who had their morning routines disrupted shared that they had difficulty focusing and that their energy weaned even more quickly during the day.

Insightfully, they conclude that having to manage breaks in normal routines causes us to use more mental and physical energy depleting our reserves and leaving us hanging out to dry later in the day.

So, what do we do if the morning starts off with a bang when our kid’s school is closed, and classroom work is remote or the boss calls asking to pick up some additional work because someone has come down with Covid? Here are some ideas to consider:

  1. Be flexible about creating new routines in the face of change: Change can be difficult, but it is all in the fun of Covid-19, so if learning goes full remote for your children, discuss with the family and let your team know about the shifts. Folks want to help out and they will. 
  2. If you are a manager, avoid sending early morning emails that may disrupt a team member’s start up routine. Respect people’s off hour times and let them show up after they’ve had their warmup time.
  3. If your morning routine is severely disrupted by some kind of emergency (or ongoing emergency, such as illness,) let your boss know and explain that you may not be as productive as you were planning. Review the priorities and commit to what you know you can get done.

Energy management is a critical part of strengthening resilience and understanding how to best use this critical resource will change your day and life.



Check out my Thanksgiving Op Ed in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette last week on Gratitude.

The Leadership Café

Last week, on the Leadership Café:

  • We were so honored to talk with Jamie Gallagher is the President and CEO of Faber-Castell USA, the 260-year old German parent company that sells stationery and artistry products. There, he has played a pivotal role in the “Enriching Lives Through Creativity and Self-Expression” strategic platform within the Faber-Castell Group. 
  • We love our Leadership Café episodes about young entrepreneurs and the story of how Kyle Gray started in worldwide pet transportation business will show you how serendipitously businesses can get started. Kyle shared with us how his reliance on technology has helped ATW transports thousands of animals around the world every year.

© Richard Citrin 2020

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