The New Year: Look Back First

Picture of Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

I gave up on New Year’s resolutions a number of years ago, but I do plan on setting goals and creating mental images for what I want to happen in 2020.

In the meantime, before 2019 gets way from us, how about remembering what worked and what did not work this past year. Taking a few minutes to assess this past year can help us frame our goals for the one.

Here are a few actions you can take to make sure 2020 is a great year for you:

  • Go back through your calendar and make notes of people, events and actions you took that were fun and enjoyable. Also note down the people, events and actions that were not rewarding or fun
  • Take a look at your list and determine where you want to spend more time and energy and where you want to stop spending time. Obviously, some negatives are unavoidable, but you may also find that certain people or organizations are not healthy or valuable for your growth and enjoyment.
  • Examine your holiday and vacation schedules. Did you get enough down time for yourself whether it was a full holiday or just a quick weekend getaway?
  • Next, get yourself a big wall calendar for 2020 and mark off perspective dates for vacations, conferences and even buying tickets for a speaker series of symphony concerts in your town. Pre-paying for events is a great way to make sure you partake.
  • Write down 3 big goals that you want to achieve this year; one for your work, one for family and one for you. Make a note of them to show up on your calendar for the first day of each month throughout the year so that you’ll have 12 reminders that will help lead you to actions you can take to meet those goals.

Your Challenge this week: Take a few minutes to do a little reflecting and planning for 2020. Share those and acknowledge them to a few other people.

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