The Conflict Resilient Workplace

Picture of Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

Conflict is inevitable but the suffering and inefficiencies that accompany it in the workplace are optional.

A recent survey of workplace stressors pointed out that conflict with co-workers is one of the leading sources of distress and lost productivity. Consider the time wasted with unresolved workplace problems and the gossip, frustration, and potential retribution that accompany conflict among your workplace colleagues.

Developing a conflict resilient workplace means that you and your team have an effective process for recognizing and addressing conflict and even looks for the opportunities to use the tension associated with the disagreement as an opportunity for constructive resolution.

Here are some ideas to look for in building a workplace that is uses conflict as a source of growth:

  • Run towards conflict and not away from it. Conflict rarely gets better on its own and if it is not addressed will usually get worse.
  • Consider how you can take the conflict and make a positive out of the situation. People are listening to one another…sit them down together and practice listening skills to make sure they truly understand the other’s point of view.
  • Provide your team members with an understanding of their conflict style and help them to see there are many different ways.
  • Use the conflict to change your culture. If team members do not work well together, superordinate a goal and get them to collaborate to achieve the desired outcomes.

If you’d like to discuss ways to build a conflict resilient workplace, feel free to contact me to discuss how we can develop a strategy to improve how your team deals with workplace skirmishes.

© Richard Citrin, All rights reserved, 2015


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