
Picture of Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

We just returned from one of our best family holidays in Palm Springs where we watched granddaughter Kyra perform in the Nutcracker, exchanged silly and fun Christmas gifts, hung out in the hot tub and pool, hiked (and saw a magnificent bighorn sheep), shot some good golf with the grandsons and where I lost in the ping pong tournament, badly to grandson Ethan.

We all then attended the Fiesta Bowl, driving four hours to Phoenix, where we all watched our TCU beat Michigan (we have strong roots to TCU having lived in Fort Worth, worked at the University, and watched our daughter and grandson graduate from there.)

On the way home, I was surrounded by warm feelings from all the wonderful time spent with those closest to us and I recognized again, how the simplest aspects of life are the most rewarding. Admittedly, things were hectic with shopping for food and gifts, cooking for 10, doing laundry (we used a lot of towels going in the pool) and coordinating events. Everybody pitched in and did their share and that just made it more fun.

I reflected on this during my flight home the other day and came back thinking how simplifying my life can only make everything easier and more pleasant.  Watching the bighorn sheep ramble up the side of the mountain, seeing him take each step with such ease and grace provided a metaphor for what I want to do in 2023.

Looking for simpler paths, making easier choices, taking each step as it comes and enjoying the journey.

That would make for an amazing year.  I hope you find your path to a great year as well.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2023

© Richard Citrin 2023

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