Rest in Peace, Resilient Wednesday

Picture of Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

After 344 Resilient Wednesday’s, I think it is time to call it quits on resilience.

I’ve reached this conclusion based on a number of factors:

  1. Despite the fact that I get new ideas from my readers and clients about resilience, and how we are dealing with difficulties, I think we have covered all there is to say about resilience.
  2. After hearing these good ideas for 6 ½ years, I think everyone who reads this newsletter is handling their stress, challenges, and adversities with grace and ease. In other words, you have mastered resilience (and I am glad to offer you a certificate that says so!)
  3. The Pandemic has shown that no matter how difficult a curve life may throw us, we deal with it by confronting it head on and then move on to ignore it. A great resilience strategy.
  4. Any number of things we’ve been concerned about globally appear to be settling down. After all, when I was a kid, we lived under our desks hoping to protect ourselves from nuclear attack. Today I find myself hiding under my desk trying to protect myself from the next social media influencer on Tik Tok who is going to tell me that my skinny jeans are out of fashion.
  5. Everybody has lost their sense of humor given what we’ve been through this past year which is probably good. It’s time to get down to work!

So, thank you for your loyal reading, commenting, ideating and most importantly your unfailing commitment to build that resilience muscle. You are the rock!

Oh, and just one more thing…Happy Early April Fool’s Day!

See you next week…we’re not done!

© Richard Citrin 2021

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