Resilience Advantage Resources

Thank you for purchasing a copy of The Resilience Advantage. These “Behind the Curtain” Resources are designed to help give you a greater opportunity to build your own resilience personally and in your workplace.

In this section you will find:

Resources for Personal Resilience that include:

Assessments and tools for understanding and building your personal resilience.
  • Mindfulness podcasts that will allow you to have a basic experience with different kinds of mindfulness

Resources for Organizational Resilience that include:

Resilience Advantage “Cheat Sheets: These are brief summary pages that can be shared with employees on different topics related to resilience including:

Resources for employees that include action plans for building workplace resilience

Flyers that will help you remember simple ways to build resilience:


Resilience Bingo that your organization can use to create a “Stress Resilience Competition” among employees and teams.

Resources for managers that include a “tip sheet” workbook as well as a Resilience Competency List that will help any manager identify the key actions to help build a resilient workforce.

The first session of my six-part video series on resilience. If you want more information about using this entire series, please contact me at [email protected]

Books to Download

The Resilience Advantage Questionnaire

The Resilience Advantage Questionnaire:

Download and take the temperature of your own resilience and see ideas you can take to strengthen this capability.

Download Now
10 Keys to Being a Strategy-Driven Leader

Are you “Strategy-Driven? Check out my “10 Keys to Being a Strategy-Driven Leader” and find success for yourself and your organization

Download Now
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