Renewing Resources

Picture of Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

We’re hearing a lot about resource management with all the supply chain issues. Not enough trucks, too much cargo sitting out in the ocean, too few workers to process and deliver. All this strains the system and the system responds by moving slowly, which is not a condition we are familiar with in the United States. 

This is a perfect example of failed resilience at the macro level. Several recent articles have suggested that we need a more resilient supply chain but that it is not an easy goal to achieve since you can’t easily replicate trained overseas workers or build a multibillion-dollar chip factory overnight. 

 So too are we experiencing a resource management shortage in our own lives. After 20 months of Pandemic living, many of us are feeling fatigued, disengaged, and not as productive as we were pre-pandemic or even in the early days of this crisis. These 3 elements, by the way, comprise the definitions of burnout.

The holidays and our associated time off are a great opportunity to replenish personal batteries and our storehouse of physical and mental energy. I’ve been hearing from a number of clients who are just planning to stay home this season and catch up on rest and take some much-needed downtime.  Here are some ideas for recouping your energy during the next couple of weeks:

  1. Mentally detach from work: Rather than trying not to think about work, a better approach is to engage in other non-work activities like going to the museum or getting together with friends. I always find it difficult to stop doing thinking about an idea or concern and it is far easier to replace it with something else.
  2. Explore your relaxation muscle: I was getting some physical therapy a few months ago and the PT told me “Relax!” in a way that was not relaxing. Understanding and actually relaxing is a difficult skill to master, especially in our fast-paced world. I like to think that slowing down is a better approach and that may include some quiet walks, a meaningful nap, or just vegging out in front of the TV.
  3. Do something you feel good about: There have been many challenges over these past few years that have left us feeling less than successful. Finding some easy wins like a good workout or baking some holiday pastries that everyone will “ooh and ahh” about will bring a smile and sense of satisfaction to the day. A nice way to celebrate a holiday.

Resilience is about having a storehouse of energy that you can use when life gets challenging. Like our iPhones, the batteries fill up quickly so please plug yourself in during these next several weeks.

© Richard Citrin 2021

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