Please Don’t Endorse Me

Picture of Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

“Does Mark know about leadership” (yes it say so on his LinkedIn description) or “Does Susan know about public relations” Duh, she heads up Susan’s Public Relations. I feel somewhat obligated to reciprocate since folks are being so kind to me and since LinkedIn has made it so darn simple to be an endorser, but I’ve decided that I don’t want to cheapen my own recommendation index by throwing out random “atta boys and girls” just because LinkeIn has made it easy. LinkedIn is a great place to connect with  other hard working professionals and I do a decent job of staying up to date on colleagues and my own profile management. I’ve previously asked others and have submitted to others formal recommendations about our work together that I always believed conveyed some sense of the value of our work together. But when I received an endorsement this past week from somebody I’ve not heard from for 5 or 6 years and she endorsed me for work she knows nothing about, I just had to take a stand. Lets not cheapen endorsements so that they have zero value. Now as those of you who actually know about my coaching work can attest, I am a big believer in acknowledging and recognizing our strengths and the things we do well. But you would be much better served by actually knowing how I do that and why I consider it so important. So while I’d love your endorsement or recommendation, make sure you know what and why you are endorsing me. It would mean so much more to me. © Richard Citrin, 2012]]>

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