Learnings From Abroad

Picture of Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

We are on holiday in Europe and during a lake cruise in Lucerne, on our way to the top of Mt. Rigi, we started chatting with a Brit who has become a Swiss citizen. Sitting with his little 7-year-old daughter in his lap, he told us that he thought Switzerland had the finest quality of life of anywhere he had been.

When I asked him to explain further he told me that in Switzerland people just seem to take things on a more even keel and between Brexit and the US elections, everybody’s anxiety and worry seems to be through the roof.

At that point, his young daughter asked who was the President of Switzerland and he told her he did not know as the President is only elected for a one year term and he could not keep up with who is in office. “I guess that is one of the good things about being a neutral country,” he told me. “One less thing to worry about and more time to enjoy this beautiful scenery.”

Once again, the best way to build resilience is to minimize the stress that naturally comes our way. I don’t want to give up my public citizenship, but it is good to remember that regardless of the events that get us riled up, we all can continue to search for beauty and fresh air that brings a bit of peace to our souls.

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© Richard Citrin, All rights reserved, 2016


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