Leadership Creativity

Picture of Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

over the next five years. While over the past five years, change and change management has been the watchwords for corporations, it looks like, from this survey that complexity management will be on the radar. What is “complexity management”? Its the ability to note how trends interact with one another and how they create volatility, unpredictability and opportunity in ways that we never could have conceived before. Think about  corporations which eschewed social media a few years ago are now embracing it full bore; or how wellness programs which use to be considered “fluff” are now seen as vital to personal and corporate health. In order to address the “complexity gap”, the 1500  CEOs who were interviewed for this survey said that creativity will be the most important leadership quality winning out over the more traditional skills such as operational and fiscal management, strategic thinking or influencing. Being fast, flexible and willing to try out new ideas will be key to success. This chart provides an overview of the key characteristics

IBM’s current slogan is “building a better planet” Given the challenges and complexity of the world and our organizations, creativity appears to be a good competency to have and develop. Let me know about how you are building your creativity?

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