I Got This!

Picture of Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

practice hole with a young 20 year old college golfer named Amy Bocerkstette. Amy is a special needs athlete and it is obvious from the video that both she and Gary had a great time. Amy played a famous par three where she put her first shot in the sand trap, followed up with an excellent sand shot out and then drained a right to left 15 footer. Gary shared that he kind of channeled Amy this weekend including her now famous mantra of “I got this,” which she said to herself before each of her shots on that hole. Amy used a simple mantra to reassure herself that she knew what she had to do and that she could do it. Mantra’s are powerful tools that help change the way we think about any particular task. I was working with a client yesterday and we were talking about managerial courage. She needed to confront a colleague about some work that he was not being accountable for completing. After role playing how she would language her discussion, I shared with her about Amy’s story and told her that I knew she was prepared and could handle this challenge with grace and ease. She told me, “I got this.”  ]]>

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