Honoring 2020

Picture of Super Admin
Super Admin

I know what you are thinking!

“Why would I want to honor 2020? I want my memories of 2020 to go away. We are still 79 days away from 2021 and we might be facing the toughest part of this incredibly challenging year over those next few weeks!!”

The notion of honoring this year is about creating a ritual by which we can begin the process of moving through the challenges that we’ve faced and to get onto something new. This has been a year for the ages, and we’ve gone beyond simply surviving this period, we’ve mostly thrived and demonstrated our ability to handle the tough stuff.

Think of all you’ve learned and overcome this year. Hopefully you’ve not suffered the loss of a loved one or had your own personal or family health or life challenges, but these might have occurred regardless of Covid, social justice or economic issues.

And if you did, how have you handled it. My bet is that you have come out of it stronger and quite a bit wiser.

So, what would an honoring of 2020 be for you and your loved ones?  What seed of inspiration would you like to pass on that would create a memory for you, your loved ones, and others?

Here are 10 quick ideas:

  • Plant a tree in your neighborhood.
  • Donate a day at the Food Bank or homeless shelter to give back.
  • Buy a bench for your local park and have an engraved plate marking it as a place to rest for those weary of 2020.
  • Create a 2020 memory book with news stories, pictures and video comments from your friends.
  • Enroll in a virtual class to take up a new hobby or learn some new facts.
  • Send a condolence card to someone who lost a family member to Covid who you may not know but may hear about through your network.
  • Buy some pizzas for a group of essential workers in your community.
  • Do some work for the candidate of your choice in this year’s election.
  • Decorate your house in some new ways for Halloween and the Holidays this year.
  • Set up a virtual Zoom holiday party and drop off a bottle of wine or some food items at your guest’s house before the party.

What ideas do you have for honoring 2020 that will help you move through it?



Last week was crazy with multiple presentations that I completed to

  • The California Human Resource Association and the
  • llinois Society for Human Resources. Both of these were on Strategy Driven Leadership. We heard comments like “Thanks, this is one of the best presentations I’ve heard in years!”.
  • This week we are presenting to the New Jersey Society of Human Resource Management and
  • Next week, I’ll be talking about my latest thinking on resilience to the Society for the Advancement of Consulting.

If you’d like a copy of these presentations or would like us to speak before your group, drop me a line at [email protected]

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