Go Slow to Go Fast

Picture of Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

I had a golf match this past week and going into the 18th hole we were all tied. I missed my putt for par that would have given me a win and instead of taking my time to line up my little 3 footer, I proceeded to putt away and missed, and with it my chance to continue the match and a chance for victory. Oops!

It’s easy to get on the fast track runway. We reach for our smart phones first thing in the morning to check the temperature outside instead of opening the patio door. We look at our Outlook calendar to see what we are going to do today instead of thinking about and then writing down what we hope to accomplish this day. And at the end of the day we collapse into our sofa’s to try to get away from it all instead of considering what it is all about.

There is a movement afoot to bring back the slow lifestyle. There is slow food, slow parenting, slow travel and even slow technology, all geared to help us unhurry our pace so that we have more time to think, use our time successfully and make 3 foot putts.

© Richard Citrin, All rights reserved, 2015


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2 thoughts on “Go Slow to Go Fast”

  1. I love this concept, reminds me of a line from a song – “slow down, you move to fast, got to make the moment last, Feeling Grovey.!” Since the accident I had in dance class last Sunday when I broke my shoulder I’ve been having to move slow enough to stay aware of all the parts of my body in order to avoid falling or injuring myself. Thanks for the reminder that faster isn’t always better.

  2. “And at the end of the day we collapse into our sofa’s to try to get away from it all instead of considering what it is all about.”
    True, that.

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