Do You Unplug?

Picture of Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

You are headed out on vacation soon and as you pack up your office work, your “tween” daughter comes over to you and says, “mommy, you are not going to take all that work with you to the beach, are you?”

An immediate feeling of sadness and pride pour over you. You feel bad that your daughter has called you out for not taking the full vacation free of work that you know you deserve while you are proud of her for being so smart to know that a vacation is suppose to be a vacation.

“Afraid so,” you tell her as her comment reminds you about something else you have to take along.

About 60% of all vacationers take work with them on holiday according to researchers. We will check email, take phone calls and even attend meetings virtually. No doubt the work effort creates a bit of comfort in not forcing a total switch in lifestyle and the challenges associated with change. And of course, it makes it a bit easier to get back into the flow of work once we return.

What is your preferred mode of vacationing? Have you ever completely unplugged and how were the withdrawal symptoms. If you stayed plugged in, did you feel like you had a holiday.

Post a comment so we can collect some info on how we holiday.

© Richard Citrin, All rights reserved, 2015


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6 thoughts on “Do You Unplug?”

  1. I try to limit my plugged in time to checking email early in the morning or late at night. This allows me to stay connected with work but also enjoy vacation and family time during the day. They feel better about me being present on vacation and I feel better about not returning to thousands of emails.

    1. Jim,
      I often hear about the dreaded “returning to the 1000 emails awaiting me. Your approach seems to protect your family time and helps keep you own sanity.

  2. Pamela Meadowcroft

    I always stay plugged in and take “work” with me — for me, I relax better when I know family and dear friends can reach me if they need to do so. And the work? I think it’s my adult “blankie” — I know I don’t have to open the computer, but it’s there if I need/want it (like being stuck in an airport….). Mostly it’s never opened.

    1. Thanks Pam for your perspective on this. I can definitely see how one’s computer is a bit of a “blankie” as it keeps us connected and we can fall back and use it in case there is some kind of emergency that we have to address.

    1. Jim,
      It is probably one of the nice things about staff that they can provide you updates and run interference for you to let you know whether there is something that is really crucial. Its a nice way to use your team efficiently.

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