Resilient Wednesday Weekly Memo

The Resilience Advantage is Available!

I’m excited to announce that The Resilience Advantage will be officially released next week and is available for ordering in print and e-version on Amazon as well as through my web site. The Resilience Advantage discusses why our current approach to dealing with stress, adversity and challenges is outdated and ineffective and why resilience provides […]

The Resilience Advantage is Available! Read More »

Your Approach to Life: Positive or Negative…or Both

In The Resilience Advantage, we discuss the importance of the positivity and negativity bias to building a strong resilient system. Since survival is life’s prime imperative (think of Maslow’s Hierarchy) the negativity bias, and its protective mechanism that makes sure we are safe, typically rules much of our day. We are always watchful to make

Your Approach to Life: Positive or Negative…or Both Read More »

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