Resilient Wednesday Weekly Memo

In Pursuit of Inner Peace: Mine

People often inquire about the inspiration behind Resilient Wednesday topics, and I usually share that it springs from daily experiences that resonate with ideas to support others. This week, inspiration struck during a Zoom meditation session centered on enhancing concentration. The leader encouraged us to “start relaxing,” prompting a giggle from me. “Oops, back to

In Pursuit of Inner Peace: Mine Read More »

Handiwork and Hardiness: Building Resilience One Knot at a Time

My parents worked with their heads rather than their hands. Fixing a leaky faucet or jazzing up the walls with a splash of color were tasks they’d outsource to friends—like Al, my father’s entrepreneurial engineer, or my granddad Phil, who was a skilled craftsman, I inherited that same self-assumed ‘clumsiness’—believing I was all thumbs and

Handiwork and Hardiness: Building Resilience One Knot at a Time Read More »

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