Building Business Resilience

Picture of Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

Change is in the air in the workplace and we’re all coming to terms with the idea that we have to become more efficient and effective in how we do our work. There is simply not enough time to get everything done and the result is that we wind up feeling exhausted and worn down—not a good resilience strategy. Here are some strategies that I think will be de rigeur for 2015

  • Forget the standard 60-minute meeting: Determine ahead of time how long your meeting needs to be and schedule it for just that amount of time.
  • Change your communication patterns: The Coca-Cola corporation recently banned voice mails since they often lead to unproductive “telephone tag”. Face to face communication or texting will become the communication of choice this year.
  • Go towards challenges: We learn and grow from challenges. Don’t think I want to do as little as possible. Instead work to fill up your dance cards with interesting projects and then ask to have the old mundane taken off your plate.
  • Build In Gap Time: Build in transition times between meetings. Catching up on your rest can be done in short spurts. Excuse yourself before the next meeting and head over to the “rest room”. Why do you think it is called that?
  • Your best friend: Develop a best friend relationship at work. Its not about commiserating but about having a colleague who you can rely on for ideas and support.

© Richard Citrin, All rights reserved, 2015


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2 thoughts on “Building Business Resilience”

  1. Richard, “Build in gap time” really stikes a chord with me. It seems that extreme busy-ness has become a point of pride in corporate America. This is further exacerbated by internal calendars that allow people to book someone else’s time. If there’s a block open, it’s fair game. Of course, then individuals book phantom appointments to preserve some time for themselves. This culture of busy-ness starts at the top and must be changed from the top.

    1. Thanks for your comment Susan. Its true that we don’t have much of that in our day. Even a quick deep breath before the next meeting can help us get centered!

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