Absolute Citrin
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Bridging the Gap: From the Unknown to the Known
Life thrusts us into the unknown in ways we can’t always anticipate— —whether through natural disasters, personal challenges, or

Creating Your Story: What’s Next For You?
A What’s Next Update I’ve taken a few months off to reflect on how I want to approach 2025

Navigating Election Season
Navigating Election Season: A Balancing Act I’ll admit it—I’m not handling this election season very well. I go back

Today’s stories: My challenge, Politics (not intended to aggravate), The Love Bus Tour
What’s Next: Facing My What’s Next In my first few posts, I’ve shared thoughts on courage, self-understanding, and acceptance.

What’s Next Skill Three: Acceptance
Over the years, people have joked that I “need to have my head examined.” Well, last week, I finally

Do You Know Yourself?
What’s Next Skill Two: Self-Understanding I recently completed providing feedback to a group of employees who completed a three
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The Small Steps of Leadership
As part of the program, each new LP member is introduced and invited to come up to the front
This is the discussion several of my colleagues and I had at our regular meeting with Alan Weiss, who
Let’s hear it for Sensibility!
It was a throwback to an old era when we were boarded by seat rows beginning in the back
One Amazing Trip
We performed on the fringe of the Fringe appearing last Sunday at St. John’s Church in the heart of
Building A Good Head of Esteem
While issues around self-esteem may have a significant psychological component, there are things we can do to simplify the
Tying It All Together
It got so bad that my son Ken, who knew fashion, gave me a birthday gift one year by