Absolute Citrin
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Bridging the Gap: From the Unknown to the Known
Life thrusts us into the unknown in ways we can’t always anticipate— —whether through natural disasters, personal challenges, or

Creating Your Story: What’s Next For You?
A What’s Next Update I’ve taken a few months off to reflect on how I want to approach 2025

Navigating Election Season
Navigating Election Season: A Balancing Act I’ll admit it—I’m not handling this election season very well. I go back

Today’s stories: My challenge, Politics (not intended to aggravate), The Love Bus Tour
What’s Next: Facing My What’s Next In my first few posts, I’ve shared thoughts on courage, self-understanding, and acceptance.

What’s Next Skill Three: Acceptance
Over the years, people have joked that I “need to have my head examined.” Well, last week, I finally

Do You Know Yourself?
What’s Next Skill Two: Self-Understanding I recently completed providing feedback to a group of employees who completed a three
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How Reliable Are You?
Of course, tech companies have multiple back-ups,mirrored sites, and using other computing systems to provide discrete services such as
Be it resolved..
A recent study I saw compared the difference between people who had set goals for themselves and told someone