Absolute Citrin
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Bridging the Gap: From the Unknown to the Known
Life thrusts us into the unknown in ways we can’t always anticipate— —whether through natural disasters, personal challenges, or

Creating Your Story: What’s Next For You?
A What’s Next Update I’ve taken a few months off to reflect on how I want to approach 2025

Navigating Election Season
Navigating Election Season: A Balancing Act I’ll admit it—I’m not handling this election season very well. I go back

Today’s stories: My challenge, Politics (not intended to aggravate), The Love Bus Tour
What’s Next: Facing My What’s Next In my first few posts, I’ve shared thoughts on courage, self-understanding, and acceptance.

What’s Next Skill Three: Acceptance
Over the years, people have joked that I “need to have my head examined.” Well, last week, I finally

Do You Know Yourself?
What’s Next Skill Two: Self-Understanding I recently completed providing feedback to a group of employees who completed a three
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The Laws of Attraction, Referrals and Tasty Lemonade
[/caption] I asked. “Just get one” he said, “you won’t be sorry”. Without his realizing it, he was demonstrating
Stress Tests or Resilience Tests
stress testing their nuclear power plants after the Fukishima disaster after the tsunami in Japan. German financial regulators are
Tell them they're good
thekickoff of the Athena Award Program. The Athena award, which has been around for more than 20 years, honors
oops…I'm sorry
newsletter today discussed about the importance of recognizing and acknowledging mistakes and how those errors can be used productively
Are You An Imposter?
He was somewhat relieved when I told him that there is a name for this feeling which is usually