Avoiding Team Burnout

Picture of Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

Being a resilient leader means that you help your team members understand and adapt to crises situations so they can turn chaos into “business as usual.”

As a leader you may see that your team doesn’t cope well with unwelcome challenges. They may become discouraged, aggravated and even angry. Creating an environment of resilience will help them overcome burnout.

Here are some ways to build that resilient team.

  • Communicate your understanding: Demonstrating understanding for your team’s difficulties can go a long way towards remedying the situation. There are some circumstances that are not easily fixed, even by the leader. Acknowledging that a situation is chaotic puts everyone on the same page.
  • “There’s no crying in baseball”: Tom Hank’s edict in the movie “A League of Their Own” applies to all workplaces. It’s okay to express frustration but then its time to move on. Help them brainstorm options and alternatives. Don’t tolerate the negativity too long; instead brainstorm around it.
  • Find the learning: A resilient mindset turns a negative situation into a learning opportunity. Consider what wisdom is gleaned from this situation and then portray that in a positive manner. Your team may see you as Pollyannaish at first, but as the situation turns, they’ll begin to see your wisdom at play.
  • Hold your ground: At times, you may want to give up on one of more of your team members who don’t seem to “get it.” Tell these folks the truth that you are disappointed or frustrated by their intransigence and you want to help them change. Staying steady will soon right the ship.

Remember that resilience is hard wired into our systems. Your team may seem stuck in the past but as their leader, you may soon find that your attitude of resilience is key to moving them into the future.

To join the discussion on “Avoiding Team Burnout”, please go to my blog at: https://www.citrinconsulting.com/blog/

My thanks to Steve Siegel and Don Machen for suggesting this week’s topic.

© Richard Citrin, 2014


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