Another Birthday

Picture of Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

It’s been 4 years since The Resilience Advantage was released, (my Facebook consultants out in Silicon Valley reminded me of it this past weekend.)

When I released that book, I had a goal of changing the way people looked and thought about challenges and adversities and wanted people to see resilience as an antidote to stress.

So far, we’re doing pretty good. I’ve shared this work with thousands of people through the book, seminars and trainings, webinars, social media posts and in personal interactions and coaching.

Attitudes and skills are changing in how people view difficulties and are coming to accept that emotional and mental wellness is as important as physical wellness.

On the one hand, as Arianna Huffington pointed out recently, we are seeing a secondary epidemic from the Corona crisis which is around mental health. A new Census Bureau study, reported by NPR  indicated nearly 6 in 10 adults report feeling nervous and anxious and over 50% state that they can’t stop worrying about their situation.

On the other hand, businesses are seeing the importance of the simple steps that can be taken to improve emotional wellness. An article in this past weekend’s Wall Street Journal discussed the “Healing Power of Proper Breathing,” and how important that simple activity, which requires no Air Buds, ethernet, or other technology hook up can improve our health, focus and longevity.

Viewpoints are changing in how we approach workplace stress and resilience is playing an important role in that shift. Thanks to all of you for your support of this work!

Your Challenge This Week: Consider what you are doing for your own well-being and reach out to someone else to help them take care of themselves.

Events this week:

  • Friday, May 29, 8 AM-8:40 AM: If you want to learn more about breathing, please join me on Friday as we engage in another Resilient Mindfulness Meditation. Our theme this week will be on Energy Management.  You can sign up here.
  • Thursday, May 28, 8-9AM: Along with my co-author, Michael Couch, we’ll be discussing the 3rd of our 3-part webinar on our new book, Strategy Driven Leadership. This session will be on how to supercharge your career.  Even if you’ve missed the first two sessions, you can join in for this week!

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