
Picture of Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA
Richard Citrin Ph.D., MBA

Thus begins the Year of The Rabbit in the Chinese Lunar New Year.

Sheila and I were both born in the year of the Rabbit, and I thought that that must be a good omen for us. Unfortunately, some research revealed that we might be in for a tough year. When your Lunar birth occurs, which is every 12 years, it seems that getting older offends the God of Age, Tai Sui

We may have some challenges with health, career, dancing, and probably my golf game.

I hope not, and there are some remedies to mitigate this problem. First, we should plan on wearing more red, especially red underwear (bought by others). Of course, praying for a peaceful year and doing kind and loving things for others can help get us on Tai Sui’s good side. These are good things. I like red, meditation, and doing for others.

Alternatively, I’m not a big zodiac guy. While I believe we all have destinies to fulfill, I don’t believe it is based on the location of stars and planets.

However, we all love to make predictions and try to capture a glimpse of the future. On the one hand, I want to be careful not to let the pessimistic forecast set the stage for blaming failures on the stars, while on the other hand, it might be fun to start wearing red boxers and t-shirts as a reminder of how I will make it a great year.

Of course, there is the solar calendar zodiac, and just last week, Sheila shared my Taurus horoscope for the year. It predicted that I would “have a new lucidity…that will help me expedite my long-term evolution…with step-by-step guidance.”

Either way, I’m sticking to my thinking about 2023. My mantra for the year remains “simplicity,” as I wrote about a few weeks ago, and I am reflecting on how to keep my focus on what I see as the world for 2023.

© Richard Citrin 2023

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